Table of Contents

Sir Falcon Bravo


Body Hits 5
Armour 2
Fatigue 8
Parries 7
Dodges 5
Damage Triple
Psyche 8
Psychic Damage Double
Remaining Luck 1


Total XP: 226
XP Left: 0


Noble 4
Ash Sorceror 4
Warrior 3
Thief 1


Income: 90
Hexa Cash: 0 Debts: 150 Nathaniel, Next rank of Wealth to build Temple in Crossroads.


General Skills Rank XP Total
Tough 3 18
Strong Willed 3 12
Quick 4 24
Luck 3 12
Clout: NDL 1 4
Wealth 3 12
Empowered 1 10
Noble Skills Rank XP Total
Duellist 4 24
Blather 4 16
Leadership 5 20
Sorceror Skills Rank XP Total
Ash Magic 4 40
Arcane Lore: Ash, Glass 2 8
Ordained 1 6
Rites 4 16
Learned: Obscure Cults 1 2
Exorcist 1 6
Warrior Skills Rank XP Total
Strong 3 18
Weaponmaster: Sword 2 12
Thief Skills Rank XP Total
Appraisal 1 2
Disengage 1 4
Edificeer 1 6
XP Total 272


Named: Treacherous, Considered an entertaining fellow by all nobles, One handed, Banned from the Port, Blessing of the Lord of the House of the Gods


Grey Talon

Falcon's Ash blessed sword. Thanks to gathering some more potent components he has been able to expand its baneful effects to encompass another of the Ash Powers enemies; creations of glass.

It grants +1 damage against creatures of Glass or the Undead (10 point power)
Once per Adventure he may Call one of his Commends to Ash against a Glass/Undead creature struck with the blade (6 point power)

Glass from a Simulacrum of the crafter encoutnered on the Shattered Plain itself: (7) points
Water from the Fountain of Youth 3 points/2 (2)

Blade is taken to Shattered Plain then thrust through the wielder's heart leaving him close to death in order to assert his link to Ash: (3) points
Glass is commended to ash, Blessed, then used to anoint the blade. 1 points/2 (1)

Blade is taken to the Burned Realm and used to free the glass imprisoned Spirit of Lydia di Courci to Final Rest: (3) Points

Total: 16 points

Falconer's Gauntlet

A false righthand made from Ash created from some of Falcon's more powerful opponents. It represents the supremacy of the Burned Lords over other Powers and the bearer's dedication to the destruction of their enemies. This artifact has two effects:

Shards of a defeated Vitriarch (The Bound Knight) broken underneath my heel 13 points
Waters from the Lake of Souls (7) 4 points

Hand is used to Commend the Necromantic Doom Key to Ash 7 points
Fashioned by the Swarm around a gauntlet of blessed Burned Realm Ash (3) 2 points
+ 2 points (Sig Tools from swarm artists [agreed as adventure reward])

Hand is smeared with the blood of a god just honourably defeated in a duel 7 points

Total: 35 points

Additional Notes:

A Guide To The Flora & Fauna of The Western Forest by S. D'Rowley & C. Hefton-Clemser-Ramber-Ramber-Quaff.

- Adds +1 Dodge when in The Western Forest and NOT aided by a Ranger with Survival: Woodland or other relevant Survival Skills. - Also, when inside The Great Western Forest, with 1 Hour's spare time (To sit down and read it), can gain the benefits of Herbalism for the rest of the Linear.

Notable Deeds

