====== College of The Thousand Arts ====== One of the oldest institutions of the [[White City]], the College is so named because its many faculties cover every known part of knowledge - even the obscure and the dangerous ones (a recent estimate puts the exact figure as 1026). ====Known Faculties==== ===General Faculty=== * **Dean Of Students** - "The Dean" - A lyre-carrying, shades wearing, gray-ponytailed cool-guy in his 40's. Generally popular. * **Bursar** - "The Bursar" - A cruel, hook-nosed man in his advanced years. Known for sending students to go "Eat a Dick". * **Quartermistress** - Penta Smetley * **Head Porter** - [[gm:college_of_the_thousand_arts:gretchen|Gretchen Vault]] ===The Library=== [[publications|Papers and books held by the Library]]. * **Chief Librarian** - Godfrey Inskilling (currently an ape) * **Librarian** - [[user:davoul:pc:roman|Roman Morpheme]] (PC) ===The Faculty of the Arcane=== * **Professor** - [[user:beornwulf:pc:beornwulfoakfast|Beornwulf Oakfast]] (PC) ===The Faculty of the Western Forest=== * **Chief Professor** - Professor Oreb ===The Faculty of Cartography=== * **Field Researcher** - Doctor Sra'em Yar (PC) * **Student** - Shane D'Rowley BA MA (Mute Cartographer) ===The Faculty of Heraldry=== ===The Faculty of Alchemy=== * **Chief Professor** - [[user:daxx:pc:warver|Professor James Warver]] (PC) * Professor Maximillian Grant (retired, ex-Chief Professor) ===The Faculty of History=== ===The Faculty of Medicine=== * **Professor** - Doctor Edward Holtz (PC) ===The Faculty of Astrology=== * **Chief Professor** - Professor Cornelia Vanderdecker * **Professor** - Professor Sythyss * **Professor** - [[gm:gideon_wiscar|Court Astrologer Gideon Wiscar]] ===The Faculty of Botany=== * **Professor** - Professor Fairfax * **Junior Professor** - Doctoress Celia Hefton-Clemser-Ramber-Ramber-Quaff ===The Faculty of Experimental Zoology=== Recently shut down ===The Faculty of Anomalous Zoology=== * **Professor** - Professor Heinrich Estall === Faculty of Enigmatic Archaeology and Artefact Reclamation === ===The Department of Perfectly Normal Zoology=== Full name: //Department of Perfectly Normal But Still Quite Interesting Zoology// * **Graduate Student** - Ivor Magellan, BA ===The Department of Experimental Theology=== * **Chief Professor** - Adi (PC) * **Professor** - Doctor Stophos Calisthenes (PC) ===The Department of Historical Art=== ===The Department of Comparative Mythology=== ===The Department of Narrative Study=== Full name: //Department of The Research And Study of Recurring Symbolism and Narrative Structure within Classical and Heroic Legend, History and Colloquial Folk-Tale Within and Around The White City and The Surrounding World, as Documented in Story, Modern Theatre and Social Textual Events// * **Chief Professor** - Professor Strauss Propp * **Graduate Student** - [[user:davoul:pc:roman|Roman Morpheme]] (PC) ===The Department of Inter-Racial Possibilities=== ===The Department of Radical Artisanship=== A De Courci-sponsored equal-opportunities profession-oriented division, and bane of The Bursar's existence. ===The Department of Unusual Numerology=== ===The Department of Applied Pugilism=== * **Visiting Professor** - Albert Bosco - A troll blooded strong man notorious for his right hook. ===Bairoth de Mamushi Memorial School=== Not a faculty, but a school for poor children